
4 Reasons why your site isn’t ranking

Compass Solutions

Web Service Pro

SEO Carrollton Ga

There’s a lot of factors that go into ranking. But here’s 4 simple On Page SEO changes you can make to get your website on track.

Content Relevancy

Are you providing relevant and valuable information?
Is the content you are creating relevant to the search (meaning, if a user found your site searching for “Golf Shoes” do you have or sell golf shoes on your website)?

Make sure to highlight/BOLD keywords to clearly identify why a document was retrieved, even though it was missing one of the required search terms in the text of the document itself.

Alt Text

While search engine & voice recognition software can’t “see” the images on a website page as we can, they see lines of code and text. So to make it easier for web crawlers to know what images are being.

By giving images Alt Text that describes to web crawlers what’s being displayed. It allows for search engines and voice recognition software to be able to give their users the best results in there search quarry.

Meta description

It’s a short description of a blog/page/post used mostly by search engines. This description is not displayed anywhere on the blog.
If the meta description of the website contains the key phrase used by the user then Google displays the meta description.
If the meta description doesn’t contain the keyphrase then Google displays a fragment of the website’s content that does contain it.

SSL Certificate

Is your website safe? if you are collecting usernames, emails, passwords and especially transactions, your website needs to be SSL-encrypted or will face a setback in ranking results.

There’s plenty of free and paid options. Cloud Flare offers a great free encryption solution. As always if you need help installing a free SSL Certificate​ please email or giving us a call today.

As always if you have any questions or would like a free SEO audit please reach out to Carrollton, GA SEO pros.